Platzees is the first NFT collection to generate annual returns in USDT

How do we ensure a return based on rental properties?
Currently, we have a real estate portfolio with more than 105 properties in the United States that are currently rented to American citizens in our multiple business branches, including private rentals, Section 8 and Airbnb.
You can find a lot of information about our business model by clicking here.

Annual Return
During the first year after the acquisition of your Platzee, we guarantee a return of 8% on the base price in USDT.
Then, each Platzee will generate the average return of the 54 companies in our real estate portfolio.
Performance Indicator
The annual returns of our companies range between 5% and 11%. This means that each Platzee will act as an indicator of the global performance of all our companies in the United States (an index).
Trust and certainty
Doing it this way brings a greater degree of trust and certainty to our collection of NFTs, as we are the first collection to offer an annual return on the initial purchase price
How does the return work?

This is important since it provides stability to the investment of each Platzee.
If the Cryptocurrencies fall in value, the Platzee will continue to generate the annual return on the initial price of $500 USD, which means that even if the "price" in cryptocurrencies rises or goes down, there will always be a reference value for a Platzee that maintains profitability.

How will USDT annual returns be deposited?
Each Platzee owner will be able to enter our website and authenticate using their Metamask wallet. (a digital wallet) This return will take place once a year in the month of May
Within the portal, you will find a button to enter your USDT address, which is a digital currency with parity to the US dollar. 1:1 (has the same value as the US dollar)
It will be a very simple process! In addition, we will provide you with educational videos so that you can understand how to transfer USDT to US dollars in case you wish to do so.
The return is generated through the initial price of the NFT from our collection
That is, if the price of the collection rises tomorrow, the return on investment will always be with the initial base price ($500 USD).
But if the Platzees go up in value, you have the benefit that you can sell your Platzee overtime for a profit.